World Water Day — Project Waterfall

What is World Water Day?

World Water Day is a celebration of water held annually on 22nd March to raise awareness of the water crisis.

703 million people around the world don’t have access to clean water. The majority live in isolated, rural areas – the same areas growing our coffee. While we enjoy the purest filtered water in our coffee, the communities at the end of its supply chain face a water crisis.

That’s why this World Water Day we’re calling on our supporters to join us in raising funds and awareness for Project Waterfall and help make a life-changing impact on coffee farmers and their communities.

Take Part in The Big Water Walk

The Big Water Walk aims to raise awareness for the coffee growing communities that have to walk for hours every day to collect their water.

There are two ways people can join The Big Water Walk. If based in London, participants can join our official walk along the Thames, carrying as much weight as possible and raising funds to help change lives in coffee communities. 5k, 10k and 15k routes will be available, so everyone can take part no matter their walking level.

If based outside of London, participants can sign up and design their own routes around their local area. Anyone and everyone is welcome to take part!

Take Part as a Coffee Business

Whether you’re a coffee shop, restaurant, roaster or retailer you can take part in World Water Day and help make a difference in coffee growing communities.
Engage your team, get creative with fundraising ideas and have fun while supporting a great cause.

Take Part as a Workplace

Coffee plays a part in all our lives – especially in the workplace. Use this month as an opportunity to raise awareness of the water crisis in coffee growing communities and give back to the communities who make your Monday mornings that little bit brighter.